I just recently came back from Hawaii for the second time. I feel drawn to it somehow. My friend Katie felt the same way and
I had a great time while I was there, Katie and I went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay and saw two Green Sea Turtles. Turtles are amazing. When you look at them they seem old and wise. We also saw lots of other fish including the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a Hawai'i's state fish which you can see below.
Lately I have been obsessed with all things Hawaiian. I have been learning the hula and Tahitian dancing. I bought a ukulele and plan to start learning to accompany myself on a few Hawaiian songs I am also learning. My mom has even bought me a Pau skirt for dancing in. I might be one of those people who goes on a trip to Hawai'i some day and never comes back. there are a lot of people on the islands like that.
Then agai
I have been making felt flowers to wear in your hair and now I'm making bags out of oilcloth. I try to keep busy and out of trouble. I'll definitely have more to post after I get back from Mexico. You can see my luggage all packed at left. Pepé is packed too but he probably will not be able to come along.