Spring has come surprisingly early this year in Seattle. As early as the beginning of February we started seeing blossoms that usually wait until march to show up. It’s been a nice year so far.
This March I decided to do a little more traveling to the party of my friend Ryan who lives down in San Francisco, a city to which I have never been before. Now I know some people fall in love with San Francisco right away or sa
Ryan and I tried to pack a lot of sight seeing into the first 48 hours so I spent the first couple of days completely exhausted, but I got lots of cool pictures and met lots of nice people, plus he lent me his super comfy bed and was gentlemanly enough to take the couch. The party was great with dancing, speeches, desserts and lots of really warm feelings.
I really enjoyed a trip to Chinatown with Ryan (despite the fact that I had just lost my wallet and all my money). We puttered around the very busy district stopping in Portsmouth Square to watch Chinese people ga
More than anything I am looking forward to being back home with my sewing machine and